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Car Accident Checklist- Are You Prepared?

Posted on January 13, 2024 by Graham Fulp

Checklist for what to have in the event of a vehicle accident. Here we go

  • Insurance Papers. Be sure you have your insurance papers prepared to give to another party in the event they have to see them. These may also can be found in handy to provide to the authorities should they arrive on the scene of the accident. In a few states, having auto insurance is mandatory for the operation of an automobile and you will be fined unless you have any insurance. Be sure you insurance paperwork is to be able before learning that it's essential to have.
  • Pen and paper. Do you know what? A lot of people (myself included until recently) don't take with you the required equipment to be able to write down another party's information for insurance claim purposes. Be sure you buy some pens that truly have ink inside them plus some decent paper to be able to write the driver's information. Stow these handy items in your glove box and you will be ready.
  • Digital camera or cellular phone camera. This may can be found in quite handy regarding a disagreement of facts over what happened at a major accident. Following the accident happens, going for a few snap shots of both your automobile and another driver's vehicle could be great evidence when there is an effort or if either insurance company tries to deny responsibility. Most of the newest mobile phones come built with cameras within them that may take and store plenty of camera photos. Use your cellular phone camera to take some on the scene snap shots.
  • There certainly are a whole couple of other important ideas to remember that make these appear to be the end of the iceberg. Learn all of them and you will be prepared.